Try and buy Limuncello & Kremoncello– liquers made with organic lemons from Veli Lošinj… or Ragu di Cinghiale
Lemons are picked and peeled by hand from gardens of Veli Lošinj, free from chemicals and pesticides. Limuncello is a bit stronger with cca 27% alcohol and Kremoncello is lighter liquor with only 17% of alcohol. It contains milk and is creamy… like “lemon Baileys”.
Liquers can be tasted at caffe bar Triton in Mali Lošinj or in Bora Bar trattoria. They can be purchased at all Jadranka stores , Cro Gastro shop in Mali Lošinj and at Mangia stores in Zagreb, and off course at Bora Bar trattoria.
In 2023. we added another souvnir product on our list: Ragu di cinghiale / Ragu from wildboar from island Cres. A homemade cooked sauce , ready to eat with some pasta of your choice. At Bora Bar we serve it as Papardelle con Cinghiale. You can purchase Ragu in the same locations as liquers, mentioned above….